Two New LDS Short Stories: “Yongrui and the Tree of Life” and “The Five Year Journal”

I don’t normally think of myself as a writer of LDS fiction, but I do occasionally write short LDS stories.

I have two that have recently been published.

“Yongrui and the Tree of Life”

Yongrui and the Tree of Life

“Yongrui and the Tree of Life” is a story about sickness and healing, faith and art. It combines Chinese and Garden of Eden mythology, brush painting, and family dynamics.

“Yongrui and the Tree of Life” won first place in the 2015 Segullah Fiction contest. Segullah is an online journal featuring the writing of LDS women.

“The Five Year Journal”

The Five Year Journal - A Short Story by Katherine Cowley

“The Five Year Journal” is a short story that examines four days in Hannah Rinehart’s life, over a five year period.

“The Five Year Journal” is a finalist in the 2015 Mormon Lit Blitz contest. Voting will take place at the beginning of June.



Image Credits: Chinese brushes image by smilla4 via flickr, Creative Commons license; journal by Smallest Forest via flickr, Creative Commons license






Cover Reveal: Steel and Bone Anthology

Sometimes there are events that make something feel real. Like having the cover of the book I’m going to be published in! Presenting… the cover of Steel and Bone. It’s a steampunk anthology featuring 9 stories. Coming in at 375 pages, there is everything from clairvoyance to floating islands to dinosaurs.

Here’s the cover of Steel and Bone:

Steel and Bone Cover

As you’ll notice, my name is listed first, and my story, “The Clockwork Seer,” is the first in the collection. The official description of my story, per the back cover and the Goodreads page:

On an island of oddities, a young clairvoyant struggles for normalcy, but deadly automatons have other plans.

I am sort of in love with my story. It’s features a woman named Medina who has a typewriter in her hip. The typewriter, and her other clockwork parts, make it possible for her to survive her visions, which are so violent that otherwise they would be debilitating. Enter a musician from the mainland, mechanical monsters, and an adventure ensues.

I hope that, come June 27th, 2015, you’ll get to know Medina, the clockwork seer. Steel and Bone will be available as both a print book and an ebook. So go add it to Goodreads!

Edited to Add: you can now buy the book on Amazon or learn more about it on the book’s page on my website.