I Love Yarn Day! Video: Reasons Why I Personally Love Yarn

You may have gathered that I love yarn from my previous post about entering crocheted items into the Utah State Fair. However, it’s fair to give it another post, because I’ve been spending 5-10 hours a week crocheting over the last several months. And today is “I Love Yarn Day”! after all.

To celebrate I Love Yarn Day! I’ve put together a little video of why I love yarn:


1 reply
  1. Joyce Owens
    Joyce Owens says:

    Hey Kathy – I shared your thoughts on “keepers of the hearth” in my RS presidency meeting and they loved your perspective and wanted to see your blog. So I have been reading through a bit of your blog as I sent the link and I can’t resist responding to “why I love yarn” even though this is a very late response!!!!!

    I love yarn because . . . it’s quiet, it’s colorful (and I’m all about the colors,) and it’s full of potential – it could “grow up” to be anything I choose to create. My favorite part of every project is the beginning, creative part where one considers all of the possibilities and then winnows them down to the actual project. I think that’s why I hate production projects. Once I’ve made something one time, I don’t want to duplicate it again and again even though I realize that technically my product would improve if I did. The appeal is in the imagniative, creative process and not necessarily in the product for me.

    So hugs to you and I plan to drop in on your blog because it is very fun to read.


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