My Favorite Screenshots, Edition 2

Long, long ago, in a galaxy called our own, I posted some of my favorite screenshots. While organizing my digital workspace I realized that I’ve collected many more, but have neglected to post them. So here’s another batch of 5:

1. Team Edward


Actually… he’s not pasty and I’ve never seen him sparkle, so maybe Team Jacob is a more apt comparison. Regardless, our president is young, attractive, and knows it.

2. A False Dilemma


Either I click like because I have a good marriage, or I choose not to click (and not to be a fan of a page of a random company) and obviously have an awful marriage.

When faced with a False Dilemma (aka the Either/Or Fallacy) I choose not to participate. So I didn’t “not click”, I simply pretended I hadn’t seen it….

3. Google Search Predictions


How did Google know those were precisely the things I was going to search? Once again, I’m floored by Google’s mind reading technology.

4. Quarterlife Crisis


Childhood angst, teenage angst, mid-life crisis…all of those had special names. Now, with quarterlife crisis, I can feel validated anytime I’m not in a good mood and puzzle over the future.

5. Hurry!


I’m all for original arguments…. but why am I supposed to hurry? I recall there was something I learned this one time about Supply and Demand…

My Favorite Screenshots, Edition 1

One of my favorite computer programs is Jing, because I can quickly capture anything I see on the web, from a fleeting error to an absurd commonplace. And, as desired, I can add things like arrows to the image.

Here’s a few of the best screenshots I’ve captured lately:

1. Perfect English

Submit your articles in "perfect english"

I do hope that my “perfect english” meets your high standards.

2. Facebook Non Sequitur

Facebook non sequitur

I’m still waiting for a transition of any sort that will help me understand how I got from thinking about charitable rhetoric to European test drives. Any enlightenment would be appreciated.

3. You’ve Got It Enough

got it enough

I see the phrase “You’ve got it enough” really catching on. I think it would make a great title to a provocative song.

4. Eliminating Time

Eliminating All Measurements of Time

Well, there would be no day or night, which means there would be no sun or moon. There’d also be no seasons. Following this line of reasoning, the world would quickly cease to exist.

Perhaps I’ve over analyzed this one. I think they were looking for answers like, “Life would be less stressful” and “I’d be able to focus on the things that really matter.”

5. When Appeals to Emotion Backfire


I think I was supposed to donate. Unluckily, I was too busy feeling sick.

That’s it for Edition 1 of my Favorite Screenshots. Have you seen anything fun(ny) on the web lately?